(after the lunch recess and the report out of closed session, which does have the ARB lawsuit and the ISJ as topics for Closed Session. Dollars to doldrums we will hear nothing; we never do. Don't get me started on why the ISJ has dragged on so long,
—OK, back to why I started this.........
I can't wait to see what the support documents say for this item. Maybe the Los Osos CSD needs to check this out for their meetings as there is an echo in the room, albeit a tiny one, from the past uncivil insanity that has recently re-sprouted.
UPDATE: Read the relevant documents off of this link:
http://agenda.slocounty.ca.gov/agenda/sanluisobispo/Proposal.html?select=4779Below is a particularly pointed quote from the resolution:
"WHEREAS, we commit ourselves to building a civil political community in which each person is respected and
spirited public and political debate is aimed at the betterment of San Luis Obispo County and its people and not the
disparagement of those with whom we disagree."
I guess that means shouting down a person at the podium from the back of the room is not to be condoned. Yes, some of the audience members at the LOCSD should take note. What they are doing is not aimed at any betterment of the community, but rather the betterment of their personal status among other like-mouthed louts.
I guess that means shouting down a person at the podium from the back of the room is not to be condoned. Yes, some of the audience members at the LOCSD should take note. What they are doing is not aimed at any betterment of the community, but rather the betterment of their personal status among other like-mouthed louts.