Reference Documents

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Water Board Approves New Nitrate Removal System!

Our sewer battle royal was all about the nitrates in the groundwater. There was no way we could just clean it up at the source said the Water Board, without building an actual sewer plant first. Well, we have done that, and the plant has been operating now for four years. However, those of you who follow the  LOCSD well problems, here's one that has been going on for a while:

. 10th Street Well Issues The 10th Street well has been out of service since June 15th. Since then staff, along with CleathHarris and Filipponi and Thompson Drilling, have been working on repairs to the well to get it back into service. Because of the age of the well, initially drilled in 1962, it was determined that the perforations that allow water to flow into the well and be pumped to the surface were corroded and clogged. When attempting to clean the lower part of the casing, the pipe had deteriorated so much it created a hole which allowed sand and debris to enter into approximately the bottom 80 feet of the well. An effort was made to remove the debris which recovered about 20 feet of the bottom. The well will be put back into service, after the partial rehabilitation work is completed, during the week of September 14th. Staff is currently reviewing options to do a full rehabilitation of the well once the higher water demand season has passed. 

We all know the 3rd Street well has been offline for years now.

We might be needing help, not that this solution could come soon enough, but it might be food for thought for the future (see page 10 of 273 here - Basin Management Report

Now, check this out:

Monday, September 21, 2020

Experiment With A Frozen Poop Knife!

This one wins the lg Nobel Prize! In any case, I could not pass up something this for my sewer blog, even though it is a bit sideways from the stated topic. (No sewer was involved in this experiment.) 

The Experiment!

The explanation below!

If you somehow got through all of this, you might also want to read this:

But wait—there's more!;

(Okay, I'll quit now, promise.)

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Paisley Cave Coprolites!

Ancient fecal remains are not too likely around here in all this sand, but a great story popped up on the latest issue of SLOCAS's "The Artifact" and it was just too good not to share. They posted the full journal article off this link: 

Definition, in case you forgot, or perhaps needed to forget:

You may not want to feast your eyes on a bounty of these images after you have eaten, but it is worth a look other times:

I have a couple in my fossil collection, but the hour is late and I am too lazy to photograph and post them.

Should you need to buy some for YOUR collection, or books about them, I found these on Amazon:

I just checked the stats - people (read bots) are now reading this c-r-a-p  stuff in Malta now! I am thrilled that Turkmenistan has given up it's vaunted status!