Reference Documents

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Local Wastewater Discharge-To-Land Followers Take Note!

The Regional Water Quality Control Board is meeting in SLO January 30 and 31! Not everyone will be riveted by a topic being heard on Friday, the 31st, but for those who are, here is a link to the staff report - "General Order Development and Program Strategy for the Regulation of Large Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharges to Land 
[Thea Tryon, 805/542-4776,]"

Here is a quote:
Facilities that Require Permits to Discharge Waste to Land In the Central Coast region, there are currently approximately 780 different facilities regulated by staff of the WDR program. Of the 780 facilities, there are approximately 185 facilities regulated by individual permits. Three quarters of these permits are over 10 years old and some are over 20 years old.
Our wastewater treatment facility permit is not ancient of course, but some in our area are.

The link to the agenda in toto is here:

Happy reading!