Reference Documents

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Cabrillo Estates Wastewater

 Yes, it has been a while! I have been lazy! The next LOCSD meeting to be held on July 11 had an interesting item on the Consent Agenda regarding Cabrillo Estates!

"Approve a Letter of Support for Cabrillo Estates Property Owner’s Association Grant Application to the Rose Foundation for Funding of a Preliminary Engineering Report to Connect to the Los Osos Wastewater Project [Recommend approval of the letter of support]"

There have been discussions on hooking up to the sewer, as there has been a serious flap from S & T Mutual Water Company and their remaining well becoming polluted - presumably from Cabrillo's septic tanks!

Here is a link to the LOCSD agenda:

Just as an added bit of interest - the S & T Mutual Water Company did NOT support funding a Los Osos Sustainability Group* Lawsuit: 

Remember them? LOSG tried to stop the sewer project at the Coastal Commission via a De Novo Hearing:

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