Reference Documents

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

LO Community Plan, Estero Area Plan on BOS Calendar!

Right off the county website under Board of Supes Business for Tuesday, December 11:

24. A request by the County of San Luis Obispo to authorize processing of an update to the Los Osos Community Plan, including amendments to the Estero Area Plan of the County Local Coastal Plan and the Official Maps of the Land Use Element. District 2.

I'll post the link to the staff report when it becomes available.

Here is the link to all of the relevant documents:

If you don't read the posted stuff on the County's website, this is basically what it is about:

"Construction of the Los Osos Wastewater Project is currently underway. Before vacant parcels within the prohibition zone can hook up to the wastewater project, the County, as the applicant, is required to update the Estero Area Plan for the Urban Area of Los Osos (the „Los Osos Community Plan‟), to incorporate a sustainable build-out target supported by the safe yield of the groundwater basin, and integrate a Habitat Conservation Plan for long-term preservation of environmentally sensitive habitat areas throughout the community.

If your Board authorizes processing of an update to the Los Osos Community Plan, the item will be scheduled for public hearings at the Planning Commission and your Board after the planning and environmental review process is completed."

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