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Sunday, November 03, 2013

"Fatberg" in London Sewer

We septic tank users don't often, if ever, get a view into the tank. Because pumping is expensive, and we are sitting on top of our water source, most of us try to be mindful of what we put in there. But in 2016 we will all be hooked up to our new sewer, and since some of us are imports from cities where we really don't give much thought to what goes down the potty, here is a glimpse of what could happen, on a much smaller scale of course, to our spanking new pipes (try not to gasp or puke, or maybe just don't go to this link):

So think before flushing. Our town's collective septic system at Bayridge Estates had a blockage on October 24 due to large chunks of grease and wipes. So now is a good time to start practicing good sewer stewardship as ghastly as that sounds.

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