Reference Documents

Sunday, December 08, 2013

The Word "Sewer"

I was reading the New York Times on Kindle today and ran across an article called "In a Scoreboard of Words, a Cultural Guide" by Natasha Singer. Excellent article, I might add. Anyway, it got me to thinking that I should try out this technology Google Ngram on our favorite word here on this blog, "sewer." Be sure to click the picture below to see it large enough to actually read!

Then I did a search with the words "sewer" and "Los Osos." I will this time imbed the graph.
You can move the cursor over the lines to see the actual percentage of instances of the word. You will note that the words "Los Osos" are a flatline compared to the word "sewer."

HOWEVER, I suspect that if this data collecting was inclusive of technical journals, newspaper and magazine articles, these words might be off the charts and tied closely together in many instances. Food for thought digestion. And perhaps elimination, pun intended. You can find the tool at this link to have fun with your own data queries at this link!

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