Reference Documents

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Poop in the Garden!

Only in Los Osos would a phrase like that seem not out of place you might be thinking, but alas, not true!

Yes, we liquidize poop particles in our septic tanks and the liquidy parts flow out—well, depends on who you ask as to where they flow during flooding like in 1995, but generally to a leach field or a leach pit. I have attached a link to an hilarious video of poop in the garden, well, under it actually (sorry about the ad and be sure to watch the video until the end). Gross alert; you will witness what cleaning out a septic tank looks like. Thank heaven "smell-o-vision" is not enabled in your computer or hand held device.

Have fun!

Generally speaking, we do not have poop in our gardens unless you apply manure I suppose.

Provocative title though isn't it, "Poop in the Garden!" But alas, it is not mine. It belongs to the San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden's event next Monday evening. Yes, that really is the name for the presentation. So here is the link to the page which will explain what this is all about:

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