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Friday, August 22, 2014

Sewage, Santa Barbara Style

When in Rome, or in this California-based case, more like the Roman territories, Hispania Citerior and Hispania Ulterior, one should do as the HCs or HUs do. And this being a sewer blog, of course, one should look to sewer history as "doing" as the Romans did, sewage-style. This involves a lot of marble and trenches with sluices of water, as Romans imported their culture everywhere they went and this meant better toilets for Hispania Citerior or Hispania Ulterior. Not too sure if the Roman influence stuck by the time the Spaniards claimed California though.

Check this out:

There was a marble counter in our hotel bathroom here in Santa Barbara, so there is still a thin slice of Roman style here today. Decent water-flushing toilets being a thicker slice, I would say. 

So, sewer-wise, what exactly is there here in Santa Barbara? El Estero! Watch this video!

(Watch the "Stinky Tank" in action!)

A very kid-friendly video can be found at this link, but it is much more detailed than the first video. I learned a ton! But the music was....way too peppy to be sewer music.

Want to know where this plant is? Take a look on a map:

The address is 520 East Yanonali Street.

Here is the home page for the sewage stuff:

Take a photo tour!

The plant was within walking distance from our hotel (sadly, no time for a visual) and even closer to the swank Fess Parker Doubletree Resort. Both hotels are across the street from the beach.

What I did have time for was a photo across an ocean inlet of the exterior of the zoo, which is kept green with recycled water from the treatment plant.

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