Reference Documents

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

BOS Agenda for Next Tuesday

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

19. Consideration of a request to authorize processing of amendments to Title 19, Section 19.07.042e (Building and Construction Ordinance) and Title 8, Chapter 8.91 of the County Code to revise the Los Osos Groundwater Basin plumbing retrofit programs, including clarification of the source of retrofit credits and status of water conservation certificates. District 2.

Of interest to Los Osos residents concerned about water conservation (which is a part of the sewer project of course).

When the relevant support documents are posted, I will provide the link.

This was the only document posted:

Here is an important quote from that document:
Now that the properties in the PZ are required to be retrofitted in order to hook up to the new sewer, retrofitting to build has ended in the PZ. If both programs were allowed to go on simultaneously, new development would no longer be saving water on even a 1:1 basis as those houses already have a mandatory retrofit requirement. Therefore, the ordinance should reflect that only those properties outside the PZ may be used for the Title 19 retrofit-to-build program.

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