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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Got P**p?

I was driving around Los Osos the other day and spotted a pristine stainless steel tanker truck. There was a catchy phrase on the back, mimicking a very famous ad that we have all seen on TV and in magazines and on billboards for years, "Got Milk?"

The phrase was first used on TV ads where someone is eating peanut butter or something very dry and is asked to answer a question but can't, as their mouth is too puttied shut, and below their beseeching and stressed out face would be the words "Got milk?" with a voice-over of that phrase. Later print ads featured various famous people wearing very fake looking white milk mustaches. This phrase was a product of ad agency Goodby Silverstein and Partners created in 1993 and it ran until February of this year (although the phrase will still be used by the Milk Processing Board in California).

So I actually had to turn my car around, go back to park and get out to take a shot of the parody of this 20-year old ad slogan.

Only in Los Osos.... and thanks goes to Al's Septic!

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