Reference Documents

Monday, April 14, 2014

What's the Difference?

Another twist to our ongoing sewer saga........

One of the contractors on our sewer project has sued the County. You can read about it here:

The other companies have not. Narrowing this down further, it is a pipe laying company that is doing the suing. Aside from working in different areas where there may or may not be much difference in the work, it is the SAME county administering BOTH of those pipe-laying contracts. So what is the difference? Why is one suing the County and the other one is not? We can guess of course, but do we really know? NO!

Suing someone is right out there in the public and I doubt anyone in the construction world won't have heard about this and wonder if hiring this company won't bring down on their heads the same sort of trouble.

Well, it is wait and see I guess if any of the legal proceedings to follow ever become public. It is at the usual stage for these things now, one side makes a complaint and the other side says no, that isn't how it was. Naturally, the sewer-naysayers are all over this, blaming the County for the trouble as they do weekly at the Board of Supes, basically rewriting how the sewer project came to be and never railing against all the rest of us for agreeing to THIS sewer at THAT cost.  I guess that would just be too much work; there are five Supes and THOUSANDS of us.

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