Reference Documents

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Changes to Titles 19 and 8, Retrofit Ordinances on BOS Agenda 11/4/14

Items Set for Hearing

2. Introduction of an amendment to the Building and Construction Ordinance, Title 19 of the County Code, changing the requirements for retrofitting of plumbing fixtures in connection with additions, remodels and new development of residential, commercial and other structures within the Los Osos Groundwater Basin. Hearing date set for November 25, 2014. District 2.

Of interest to certain vacant lot owners off the staff report found on the above link:
4. Allow a one-time transfer of previously-issued water conservation certificates from a vacant PZ lot to a vacant lot outside of the PZ. 
 Since the inception of the retrofit-to-build program in 2008, 10 of the 27 water conservation certificates have been issued to vacant properties in the PZ. Property owners stated that the primary reason for obtaining certificates was to ensure that they have water for their vacant lots at the time the wastewater project is completed. Some property owners have expressed concern that the certificates will not be valid in the future on PZ lots. Additionally, with the adoption of the Basin Management Plan, lots in the PZ will benefit from supplemental water through implementation of the Basin Management Plan and may not need a water conservation certificate. The proposed amendments give these property owners the option of a one-time transfer of a previously-issued water conservation certificate to a specific property or land use permit outside of the PZ until January 1, 2019. These certificates represent completed retrofit work that has saved water but has not yet been applied toward a new building permit. 

3. Introduction of an amendment to the Health and Sanitation Ordinance, Title 8 of the County Code, changing the requirements for sellers of real property within the Los Osos Groundwater Basin to retrofit plumbing fixtures with water-efficient fixtures at time of sale. Hearing date set for November 25, 2014. District 2.

Here is a  quote from both Items 2 and 3 that does not affect most homes:
Due to complaints, mainly health and safety related, that staff has received about waterless urinals, staff recommends requiring that urinals in commercial structures use no more than 1.0 gallons per flush instead of requiring waterless urinals. 
Who knew? Well, best to read the stuff off the links if you are a vacant lot owner who has obtained enough water credits to build once the PZ has been un-PZed and the Basin Plan finalized.

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