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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Toilet Golf

Yes, it is still very slow in the sewer news department, but it is time once again to turn one's mind from public works projects to—yes—THE HOLIDAYS; so a slight segue from sewers is permissible I believe

Somehow, this early, one can say •that word• (THE HOLIDAYS) and not go straight into panic mode the way one would on say, December 22, and you have not yet thought about cards, let alone gifts for anyone, and all that you have in the fridge is a box of freezer-burned mac'n'cheese from Budget Gourmet. Hey, maybe you have managed a list by this point, but you know that you have forgotten someone, like maybe your boss.

Well, to get a head start this year, I'm offering up an idea—at least for your friends who like golf! I get all sorts of strange stuff in my E-mail Inboxes, but this one item really caught my eye: toilet golf! I clicked on the link in the E-mail a second time about an hour later and the item was GONE! But a quick Google search landed many offerings!

Happy shopping!

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