Reference Documents

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Wipes Wreak Ruin!

"New York, New York a helluva town!" And now, in the sewers, it's a hellish town—due to—yes, WIPES! They do not break down and must be removed from the screens in the city's wastewater treatment plants. These undissolvable blobs have more than doubled since 2008 and have cost the city $18 million since 2010, although there are other costs not enumerated for other wipe-related repairs. These cloth-like items include baby wipes, medicated wipes (hemorrhoids), "feminine" wipes, and the everyday (post-evacuation) clean-up kind.

New York has either gained much additional population, residents are either having more kids, more posterior medical issues or have become more religious (cleanliness is next to godliness). Please have a look off of the link below. You will see on the right side of that page what that glop looks like. (Fortunately, it is a smallish photo and the colorful results of wipeage have been washed away.)

This has been a problem in many places, including Los Osos' Bayridge Estates. So, future sewer users of Los Osos, wake up! When we have our spiffy new plant in place, we need to keep potential problems we might cause at the forefront of our minds in the bathroom. There is a solution to this problem and in case you didn't get to the to the end of the linked article, here is a video that explains what that is: Heinie Giene!

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