Reference Documents

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Sewer Info Deluxe!

While our sewer story here in Los Osos winds down more every day, I must supplement the lack of information from that with fun sewer facts, and I just found a doozie tonight! A hugely comprehensive website, parts of which I have found before, but now it is all in one place and logically put together!

Here is a quote I found on one of the site's pages:
Point of historical interest – an early water regulation:“No one shall with malice pollute the waters where they issue publicly.Should anyone pollute them, his fine shall be ten thousand sesterti.”(approx. $600)  
Source: Sextus Julian Frontinus, Water Commissioner of the City of Rome, 97 CE
Our fine from the Regional Water Quality Control Board was to be $5,000 a day for polluting - but of course it never came to that. I think they were really fed up with Los Osos backing out of sewer projects. 

Anyway, a wonderful sewer history is at your fingertips - read all about them below and, happy clicking on more links than you will know what to do with. You might want to fix a sandwich and a drink.

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