Reference Documents

Saturday, May 23, 2020

WEF's Wastewater Professional Guide

Readers here, all three of you, but maybe you are actually bots not readers (Russia still likes Los Osos according to the analytics provided by Blogger), well, whatever you are, you are getting more reading material (or maybe just cataloging data) of late from me! Small comfort I know during this horrid time. 

But, I have the time now to write! Zoom meetings do not require driving someplace or even wearing anything but jammie bottoms as long as you have a nice, business-like top on, some jewelry and make-up, not to mention root concealer, argh, I miss my hairdresser horribly! Hey, bunny slippers instead of boots, although mine actually have cats on them.

So I get this great notification from Maven's Notebook daily, and some sewer emails as well (it is amazing what one can subscribe to) and I found more info on COVID-19 and sewers!

So here you go - do follow inks off of this page too:
"Research is ongoing, but experts currently believe that exposure to wastewater is not a significant transmission route for COVID-19 virus."
On another note, I was cleaning some random papers off my desk and found a note to myself on creating a sewer dance. Why not? I am not much of a dancer, but COVID boredom might get something going.

(Hey, a pixelated wave from me to you Russia! 😜)

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