Reference Documents

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Seitz Explains Measure B News - Zombie Precautions Not Needed

A new feature of LOCSD meetings is the District's legal counsel explaining what HE is working on. I won't go down the long list of his jobs (I was really amazed at the work performed in just one month) but will update us all here in sewer-land on the dreaded Measure B and why it appeared on the LOCSD Closes Session agenda on September 4, 2014. 

"Housekeeping" said Mike Seitz. So, even though there will be a "case management" meeting on Monday, September 8, in court, it really won't amount to much. The Measure B suit from the Regional Water Quality Control Board was suspended by the bankruptcy, and as we have seen, the bankruptcy appears month after month on the LOCSD closed session agendas, as the many leftover bits and pieces need to be swept up and disposed of. In this case, "injunctive relief" is the bit to be put to rest in the dustbin of sewer history.

Let us all hope that this goes as expected with our long dead Measure B. Zombies can be vanquished in a variety of methods according to which movie you wish to cite. Experts vary in their opinions. But substantial structural destruction to any part of the brain seems to do the trick. Substantial destruction to District finances from this folly might finally be put to rest as well.

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